HD cleaners are important equipments that are used during the process of pulp and paper manufacturing process and is designed by the leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter, making them the most advanced equipment for removing sand, paper chips that remain unbeaten, heavy materials made of non fibers and fibers that are hard cooked.
Special features of these Paper Machine HD cleaners Bottle include low rejection of fiber and pressure drop. Designed and fabricated with SS 316 and 304 materials, these cleaners have headers that are inlet tapered and the pulp valve being made in SS Plate with construction with CI body.
It also helps in recovery of fibers during the last stage of the process and available in 300, 500, 750 and 100 LPM throughput. With robust construction and exclusive features the HD cleaners Bottle Manufacturer are among the featured machinery and equipment for pulp and paper making industry. Precision designing is what makes them of the highest standard.